Ahmed AboHamad
Ethics, Social Epistemology, Moral Psychology, Decolonial Theory, and Philosophy of Science

Nimra Asif
Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Political Philosophy & Public Policy, and Feminist Philosophy

Michael Hegarty
Philosophy of mind (esp. mental representation, perception, intentionality and consciousness), Epistemology, Truth and Meaning.

Özcan Karabağ
Research Interests: Logic, Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and Philosophy of Language.

Katrina Kish
Epistemology (esp. Virtue, Social, and Political Epistemology), Ethics, and Feminist Philosophy

Joel Lorenzatti
Philosophy and History of Science, Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Cognitive Science

David Rodriguez
Virtue and Vice Epistemology, Moral Psychology (esp. emotions), Virtue Theory, Philosophy of Religion